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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh
Strike Action School will be open as normal on Monday 20th May but there will be NO SCHOOL MEALS. All pupils will be required to bring a packed lunch. 
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Wee Critters

29th Apr 2024
We had a fabulous morning as we put on our explorer hats and were introduced to some very special creatures from the jungles of South America and Africa. We met Craig the hissing cockroach and felt him run over our hands but we hardly felt the Jungle Nymph on our arms. We learned about the features of insects and their ability to use camouflage. Charlotte the tarantula was feeling moody so we just observed her on her log. Allan showed us an exoskeleton from a tarantula. We met Trevor the toad whose species is the largest in the world. He had a hop around nursery! William the milk snake was friendly, in spite of looking like he was poisonous with his bright colours. We learned that this was a trick to deter predators from eating him, just like the Monarch Butterfly. We also observed snake skin that was shed and found out about the length of the world’s longest snake, the reticulated python. We loved the parrots that wanted to perch on our heads and lastly, Arthur the Armadillo. His skin was very hard but we all thought he was very cute as he made his way round the class.