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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh
Reminder- school is closed on Monday 6th May due to the Bank Holiday. Remember school meals for next week will still have to be booked before midnight on Sunday.
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Ancient Egyptian Day

13th Feb 2019

Our class enjoyed their visit to the Navan Centre today for an Ancient Egyptian Activity Day. We located Egypt and the River Nile on a map and then enjoyed meeting a real life Ancient Egyptian Farmer and his slave. We talked about the Upper and Lower kingdoms being united under the pharaohs and the capital of Memphis which we know today as Cairo. We had a demonstration of a wooden pillow and then how an Egyptian toilet stool was used:- ask your children as they were fascinated!!!!  

We heard about some Egyptian gods and then experienced the ancient art of mummification. Toby was an excellent pharaoh and his classmates carried out the steps of brain mushing and hooking out through the nose-(gory was an understatement).  The organs were removed to canopic jars and the body dried with natron salt, stuffed with straw and sawdust before being wrapped in linen and a death mask placed on top.

Finally we made headbands as a keepsake reminder of an amazing fun and educational day.