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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh
Strike Action School will be open as normal on Monday 20th May but there will be NO SCHOOL MEALS. All pupils will be required to bring a packed lunch. 
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The Big Garden Birdwatch

31st Jan 2023

This month Primary one have been learning all about the birds that visit our gardens and playground. They enjoyed birdwatching and the results were sent to the RSPB to be included in the Big Garden Birdwatch data. They then made pinecone feeders and hung them up around the school grounds to feed the birds during the cold weather. It was messy work mixing the lard, mealworms and seeds together but they all enjoyed this activity! Using binoculars Primary one observed blackbirds, starlings, robins, a bluetit and even a seagull which was very exciting. Using hand puppets they enjoyed acting out the familiar story of the Little Red Hen and wrote bird fact books which are now displayed in the class library.