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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh
Strike Action School will be open as normal on Monday 20th May but there will be NO SCHOOL MEALS. All pupils will be required to bring a packed lunch. 
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Tree Planting for the Queen's Green Canopy

30th Mar 2023

Tree Planting for the Queen's Green Canopy with our Eco Council and P5/6 class

Over the past week the children have been outside enhancing our school grounds.  Muddy boots and happy faces are evidence of the fun we have had.  The ABC council provided a number of tree saplings as part of the Queen's Green Canopy initiative.  Hopefully the children will be able to point out the beech saplings and field maple trees to their families.  These trees will help to enrich habitats for minibeasts and birds as well as providing us with a variety of year round interest and beauty and will be a lasting legacy for our school and wider community.