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Orchard County Primary School, Armagh


2023/2024 School Year

19th Sep 2023
We had great fun playing together outside. The rain stopped and we were able to explore...
19th Sep 2023
P2 have been focusing on rebuilding familiar words using magnetic letters to further...
19th Sep 2023
Working in partners With a friend or adult P1 sorted cubes for colour. 
19th Sep 2023
P1 have been busy creating their very own Humpty Dumpty’s. They have especially...
18th Sep 2023
Due to the heavy rain the hockey club enjoyed unihoc indoors. There were plenty...
18th Sep 2023
Primary 2 have been very busy painting their self portraits this week. They decorated...
18th Sep 2023
P6/7 worked extremely hard on their posters for School Council. Those who wished...
18th Sep 2023
We were excited to to get playing outside today.
18th Sep 2023
We met all our friends at Nursery today!
16th Sep 2023
We made some pictures of spiders being washed out of their spouts when it rained!